Victoria Electric Cooperative was founded in 1938 by members of our community wanting to bring safe, reliable, and affordable electricity to the people of this area. Over 80 years later, we are still committed to the same principles and remain focused on finding more efficient processes to conserve resources and save money for our members.
In 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided a way to accelerate broadband deployments to unserved and underserved rural areas. The gap had been widening between rural communities and their urban counterparts, and time for change was evident. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act offered the ability to assist schools in need of connecting students to an ever-changing technology-driven world. Residents of rural communities also found that not having reliable internet access to critical government resources, such as Social Security, unemployment, and college financial services inhibit the quality of life that urban communities enjoy.
In 2017 Victoria Electric Cooperative conducted a membership survey polling existing members on possible new services that may interest them. The results of the survey identified a need for more access, more speed and more reliable internet service from a trusted broadband provider. Once members expressed a want a feasibility study was performed to confirm viability and ensure that the launch of this new division would be a good investment of Cooperative resources.
Following in the footsteps of our founders and upon approval from the board of directors Infinium was created and construction began. Infinium will provide members and non-members a broadband internet solution with the speed, access, and reliability not currently available in rural areas. Backed by the fastest and most reliable broadband available Infinium will offer speeds ranging from 10Mbps to 1G depending on the speed and budgetary needs of the customer. Unlike many other companies on the market, Infinium will offer a fiber-grade connection with guaranteed speeds and up-time.
The time for a switch is now. Put your trust in a local provider with a reputation of reliability, superior customer service and continued dedication to its members and communities for over 80 years.

Did you know Infinium offers true Fiber To The Home (FTTH)?
With other internet providers, the signal travels mostly via fiber but then switches to a different medium, like coax cable, for the final stretch to your home.
Read more about it in our blog.

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